QR Code Barcode
QR Code is a 2D general-purpose matrix barcode symbology that is
intended for use on smaller labels.
- Micro QR Code is a small QR Code that is used in applications
that require a small symbol space.
- GS1 QR Code is a variant of QR Code that conforms to GS1
Data and Options
- The data field supports all 256 ASCII characters.
- The Error Correction option is used to specify the error
correction level:
- L - Recovery Capacity 7%
- M - Recovery Capacity 15%
- Q - Recovery Capacity 25%
- H - Recovery Capacity 30%
- The Version option is used to specify the size of the symbol, 1
to 40. If unspecified the encoder will select the version of the symbol that
is the minimum size to represent the given data at the selected error
correction level.
If you want to use non-printable or special characters in a barcode, you can use escape sequences. An escape sequence always start with a backslash ('\') followed by the sequence itself.
- \n New Line
- \r Carriage Return
- \\ The backslash \ itself
- \xhh For encoding bytes or ASCII-characters in hexadecimal notation
You can also enter the names of these control characters as plain text embedded in
« »:
«NUL» «SOH» «STX» «ETX» «EOT» «ENQ» «ACK» «BEL» «BS» «HT» «LF» «VT» «FF» «CR» «SO» «SI» «DLE»
«DC1» «DC2» «DC3» «DC4» «NAK» «SYN» «ETB» «CAN» «EM» «SUB» «ESC» «FS» «GS» «RS» «US» «DEL»