PDF417 Barcode
PDF417 is a 2D barcode format used in a variety of applications such
as transport, identification cards, and inventory management.
- Compact PDF417 is a shortened form of the PDF417 barcode
that is used in applications where the space for the symbol is
- MicroPDF417 is a smaller variant of the PDF417 barcode.
Data and Options
- The data field supports all 256 ASCII characters.
- The Error Correction allows the symbol to endure some
damage without causing loss of data. You can choose an Error
correction level from 0 to 8, the default is to choose a standard
level of error correction that is determined by the encoded data
- The Columns option specifies the number of columns in the
output symbol, from 1 to 30.
- The Compact option is used to create a Compact PDF417
symbol, also known as Truncated PDF417, that uses less area
than the normal PDF417 barcode. This option should be used primarily
in a clean environment, since it is more susceptible to damage.
If you want to use non-printable or special characters in a barcode, you can use escape sequences. An escape sequence always start with a backslash ('\') followed by the sequence itself.
- \n New Line
- \r Carriage Return
- \\ The backslash \ itself
- \xhh For encoding bytes or ASCII-characters in hexadecimal notation
You can also enter the names of these control characters as plain text embedded in
« »:
«NUL» «SOH» «STX» «ETX» «EOT» «ENQ» «ACK» «BEL» «BS» «HT» «LF» «VT» «FF» «CR» «SO» «SI» «DLE»
«DC1» «DC2» «DC3» «DC4» «NAK» «SYN» «ETB» «CAN» «EM» «SUB» «ESC» «FS» «GS» «RS» «US» «DEL»