GS1 QR Code
GS1 QR Code is an implementation of the QR Code barcode symbology
with GS1 formatted data.
Data and Options
- The data field supports all 256 ASCII characters, and the FNC1
symbol "<FNC1>".
- GS1 QR Code can encode any of the application identifiers, but it must
begin with the application identifier (01) for GTIN and (8200) for the
Extended Packaging URL before any other application identifiers are used.
- You can either enter the AI with or without brackets. e.g.
(01)95012345678903 or 0195012345678903.
- GS1 specifications call for the FNC1 character to be used as a data
field separator at the end of a variable-length data field.
- If you specify the AIs between parentheses, then the software
takes care of the FNC1 character and will automatically add FNC1 for
those AIs requiring it. e.g.
- If you do not specify the parenthesis, then you will have to add
an FNC1 character <FNC1> for marking the end of the AIs which
require an FNC1. e.g. 01950123456789031505030130215<FNC1>10ABC123.
- The Error Correction option is used to specify the error
correction level:
- L - Recovery Capacity 7%
- M - Recovery Capacity 15%
- Q - Recovery Capacity 25%
- H - Recovery Capacity 30%
- The Version option is used to specify the size of the symbol, 1
to 40. If unspecified the encoder will select the version of the symbol that
is the minimum size to represent the given data at the selected error
correction level.
If you want to use non-printable or special characters in a barcode, you can use escape sequences. An escape sequence always start with a backslash ('\') followed by the sequence itself.
- \n New Line
- \r Carriage Return
- \\ The backslash \ itself
- \xhh For encoding bytes or ASCII-characters in hexadecimal notation
You can also enter the names of these control characters as plain text embedded in
« »:
«NUL» «SOH» «STX» «ETX» «EOT» «ENQ» «ACK» «BEL» «BS» «HT» «LF» «VT» «FF» «CR» «SO» «SI» «DLE»
«DC1» «DC2» «DC3» «DC4» «NAK» «SYN» «ETB» «CAN» «EM» «SUB» «ESC» «FS» «GS» «RS» «US» «DEL»