GS1 DataMatrix Barcode
GS1 DataMatrix is a variant of Data Matrix ECC200 barcode that should be
used when encoding GS1 formatted data.
Data and Options
- The data field supports all 256 ASCII characters, and the FNC1
symbol "<FNC1>".
- You can either enter the AI with or without brackets. e.g.
(01)95012345678903 or 0195012345678903.
- GS1 specifications call for the FNC1 character to be used as a
data field separator at the end of a variable-length data field.
- If you specify the AIs between parentheses, then the software
takes care of the FNC1 character and will automatically add FNC1 for
those AIs requiring it. e.g. (10)345678(11)050301.
- If you do not specify the parenthesis, then you will have to add
an FNC1 character <FNC1> for marking the end of the AIs which
require an FNC1. e.g. 10345678<FNC1>11050301.
- The Symbol Size in modules can be selected from 10 x 10 to 144 x
144, and can be either square or rectangular shape.
- If the Symbol Size set to Auto, the encoder will default to
creating a symbol that is the minimum size to represent the given
If you want to use non-printable or special characters in a barcode, you can use escape sequences. An escape sequence always start with a backslash ('\') followed by the sequence itself.
- \n New Line
- \r Carriage Return
- \\ The backslash \ itself
- \xhh For encoding bytes or ASCII-characters in hexadecimal notation
You can also enter the names of these control characters as plain text embedded in
« »:
«NUL» «SOH» «STX» «ETX» «EOT» «ENQ» «ACK» «BEL» «BS» «HT» «LF» «VT» «FF» «CR» «SO» «SI» «DLE»
«DC1» «DC2» «DC3» «DC4» «NAK» «SYN» «ETB» «CAN» «EM» «SUB» «ESC» «FS» «GS» «RS» «US» «DEL»